مهندس کوروش کیهان

دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه صنعتی شریف
دانش آموخته کارشناسی مهندسی آب از دانشگاه خواجه نصیر
فایل فهرست دوره های برگزار شده توسط مهندس کیهان
Name |
Kourosh Kayhan |
Date of birth |
07 November 1973 |
Nationality |
Iranian |
Education |
M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology of Iran 1998 B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Khajeh Nasir Al-Din Toossi (K.N.T) University of Technology of Iran 1996 |
Memberships |
Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers (ISCE) Iranian Committee On Large Dams (IRCOLD) Advisor of M.Sc. students’ thesis in Iran |
Key qualifications |
Since 2010, Business Development Director. Advisor of M.Sc. students’ thesis in Iran from 2001 to 2012. A broad range of skills and experience throughout the applying hydro informatics models. Conducting many training courses on DHI software in Iran. Project manager and modelling expert covering hydrodynamics, waves, and sediment transport and water quality. Involving to numerous technical challenging in water sector studies such as water resources management, flood plain modelling, cooling water recirculation, hydro informatics models training, and capacity building. DHI technical support and marketing manager for almost one decade in Iran.
Contact detail |
Email: Kourosh_Kayhan@yahoo.com Mobile : +98 (912) 377 85 44 Tel/Fax : +98 (21) 8874 3465
Employment Record
Year |
Firm |
Position and Responsibilities |
2010 – Date
YEKOM Consulting Engineers |
Business Development Director
2013 -2014 |
Toseh Sanati Pendar |
Chief Engineer in Coastal & Ports Projects (External project) |
2013 -2014 |
Pouyandegaan Mohit Zist |
Chief Engineer in Coastal & Ports Projects (External projects) |
2010 – 2014 |
Asarab Consulting Engineers Company |
Chief Engineer in Coastal & Ports Projects (External projects) |
2005 – 2010 |
PTS Water & Environment Company |
Managing Director |
2001 – 2003 |
Tarh Andishan Consulting Engineers Co. (TACE) |
Chief Engineer, Advisor of Managing Director in Coastal Projects (External projects) |
2001 -2001 |
Sazeh Pardazi Iran Consulting Engineers Co. (SPI) |
Senior Engineer, Sea Water Intake and Water Recirculation Modelling by MIKE 21 (External project) |
2000 – 2000 |
Sahel Consulting Engineers Co. (SCE) |
Senior Engineer, Hydrodynamic Modelling by MIKE 11 (External project) |
2005 – 2006 |
Negareh Co. |
Advisor of Negareh Managing Director on DHI Technical Support & Marketing Plans (Part time) |
1998 – 2005 |
Negareh Co. |
DHI Technical Support & Marketing Manager (Full time) |
1996 – 1998 |
Negareh Co. |
DHI Technical Support (Part time) |
1997 – 1998 |
Soil Conservation Water and Watershed Management Research Center (SCWMRC) |
Researcher, Working on M.Sc. thesis with titled “ Assessment of Sequence Storm on the Stability of Reshaping breakwaters” |
1995 – 1996 |
Mahab e Ghodss Consulting Engineers Co. (MG) |
Junior Engineer in Pasha kola EIA Study, Application Programmer in Hydro informatics Department |
Experience record
Year |
Project |
Position and activities |
2010 – Date
Business Development in CIS, African and Middle East countries
Dealing with clients and investors, providing EOI for World Bank and International funds. Meeting with clients, authorities and attending on exhibitions, conferences, seminars.
– Preparation of Expression of Interests (EOI); technical & financial proposals to WB, ISDB, EIB and IDA. – Investigations on target markets. – Preparing the contract documents for local and international clients. – Monitoring and screening tender notices from different sources. – Attending on the exhibitions and side conference exhibitions. – Planning and providing marketing materials such as brochures and exhibition stands. – Supervising the company’s website update. – Collection of the CVs in WB, IDA and ISDB format. – Preparing project data sheet in WB format (B Form) – Preparing different MOU and JV agreements with local partners, consulting engineers and contractor companies at destination target markets.
– Preparing and providing more than 100 EOI and RFP on local and international projects with World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, International Development Association financing which some of them are mentioned as below:
– Preparing MOU with following companies:
Kurdistan Governorate – Iraq
2013 -2014 |
Sea Water Intake and Water Recirculation Modelling for Mokran Petrochemical Mix Plant
Modelling of Sea Water Intake and Water Recirculation for Mokran Petrochemical Mix Plant by using MIKE 3 FM in Chahbahar Coast (Mokran) – Iran. Mokran Petrochemical Mix Plant is under study and design on south east of Iran at vicinity of Oman Sea and Indian ocean. Due to vicinity of this area to Indian ocean, is the best place for exporting petrochemical products to the world. For processing of the utilities is essential to use sea water for the cooling system and water desalination. The purpose of this study is determining the Chabahar Bay capacity for maximum water intake and finding the optimum place for the inlet & outlet.
2013 – 2014 |
Study and simulation of Gorganroud River quality from Voshemgir Dam to the downstream (at junction of Caspian Sea and Gorganroud River)
Gorganroud river is located at Gorgan province in the north of Iran. Gorganroud is limited to mountain area at upstream and reaches Caspian Sea at downstream. So many dams are constructed on upstream of Gorganroud river and also some other dams are under studies and constructions too. Construction these dams and increasing water needs at the region, releasing agriculture return water into the river, arriving other saline tributaries to the river and releasing wastewater of downstream cities to the river caused increasing salinity and deficits of water at downstream. The downstream remaining 12 km will be dried before arriving to the sea during end of June, July, August and early September. Golestan Water Authority (client) decided to study of Gorganroud river quality and quantity monitoring. Gorganroud river quality and quantity modelling carried out along the monitoring. MIKE 11 applied for this modelling for determining of how much water with specified quality released from Voshmgir Dam and other tributaries to get obtain required quality and quantity at the downstream with considering minimum environmental requirements.
2013 – 2014 |
Assessment of sediment dispersion due to Hormuz port dredging |
Hormuz island is located on Persian Gulf at the north east of Qeshm Island and the south east of Bandar Abbass. This island is in vicinity of Hormuz strait. Hormuz port is located on north west of the island. The island’s local people connection to other islands and Bandar Abbass port is just through Hormuz port. Then, periodically dredging of the port is necessary. Iranian Port and Maritime Organization decided to start dredging for getting suitable depth for ships manoeuvring at Hormuz port and the access channel on 2013. As sediment dredging will have effect on environment of the island area and maritime life, and then Iranian MPO decided to study sediment dispersion due to the dredging and consequently identification effective zones of the island. MIKE 21 model applied for the modelling of hydrodynamics, sediment dispersion due to dredging of the port and access channel. Different scenarios determined for sediment spills during dredging execution and identified the zones affected by dispersion of sediment.
2013 – 2014 |
Assessment of Anzali port development effect on Anzali wetland
Due to turbulence of Anzali port during the storms and also increasing the port operation capacity, the client constructed new breakwater with a higher extension. Anzali port constructed at the mouth of Anzali wetland. Then, it is essential to study effect of extension and rehabilitation the port. on hydraulic condition, sediment transport and salt intrusion from the port to the wetland. MIKE 21 FM as a comprehensive model applied for the modelling of hydrodynamics, sedimentation and salt intrusion at the port and mouth of wetland.
2012 – 2012
Hydrodynamics, sedimentation and water quality study of Gomishan shrimp farms complex
Gomishan shrimp farms complex constructed on 2003 that a water intake canal transfers water from Gomishan pond to the farms. The pond is connected to Caspian Sea via some opening on the rock fill mound. Now, it is difficult to draw water from the pond due to falling down the sea water level. Also, the water quality of the pond gets less and less due to falling down the WL and increasing the released farms pollution to the pond. It has been decided to study different scenarios for access to high quality water along safe water intake in case of decreasing the sea WL again Hydrodynamics, sedimentation and water quality study has been carried out in this project and also different scenarios have been modelled. MIKE 21 as a comprehensive model applied for the modelling of hydrodynamics, sedimentation and water quality.
2011 – 2011
Study of contaminants dispersion in reservoirs due to fortuitous event pollution risk with using MIKE 3 software (Case of study, Mamloo Reservoir) – Tehran Water Authority
Study of contaminant dispersion in reservoirs due to fortuitous event pollution risk is one of essential subjects on dam reservoir operation. In spite of dam reservoir protection, the contaminants will enter to reservoirs by intentional or fortuitous events. Then, study of the reservoir interaction against releasing of the pollutant and consequent dispersion of it on the surface and vertical direction is very high important. Mamloo Reservoir is located in Tehran Water Authority territory which has been studied for fortuitous event pollution risk to the reservoir. MIKE 3 as a comprehensive model applied for the modelling of contaminant dispersion at the reservoir on probable scenarios.
2010 – 2010 |
Rehabilitation of maritime port breakwater in Mazandaran Province (Southern part of Caspian Sea)
There is a maritime port which is located on southern part of Caspian Sea near to Khazarshahr city. It has been constructed just for recreation more than 35 years ago. The port breakwaters destroyed and the berth filled out with sediment as it didn’t repair and maintenance all the time. Fereydounkenar port has been constructed close to this maritime port few years later which is operating by Iranian Port and Maritime Organization. It has been decided for repairing the present maritime port for operational. The client has intended to study any impacts on Fereydounkenar port which may has been effected by repairing and operational of the maritime port due to vicinity of the both ports. Thus hydrodynamics, diffraction, refraction and sediment transport study has been carried for the present condition and the actual repairing condition at maritime and Fereydounenar ports. MIKE 21 as a comprehensive model applied for the modelling of hydrodynamics, diffraction, refraction and sediment transport.
2007 – 2009 |
Study of the Salinity Problems in the Gotvand Reservoir |
Part of left bank of the Gotvand Reservoir – the Anbal Salt Section – contains salt deposits that will be submerged once the reservoir has been filled. It is feared that dissolution of the salt may lead to water quality problems due to high salinity of the water and even leakages of reservoir water. Moreover, gypsum is potentially a major source of evaporation dissolution across the entire reservoir footprint. The project is being undertake by a consortium of DHI, SRK (UK) Ltd. And PTS. The project comprises Geotechnical and Geological Studies and Water Quality Modelling. The key issue in relation to both of the identified potential problems (poor water quality in reservoir water and leakages from the reservoir) is the dissolution rate of deposits, hence a great effort will be made to determine this. In this project PTS (Kourosh Kayhan) did MIKE 11 1D and MIKE 11 Reservoir Setup for WQ Modelling.
2006 – 2006 |
Training of eight series of DHI Software |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) staffs have been trained by Kourosh Kayhan for eight series of DHI software including MIKE 11, MIKE 21, MIKE FLOOD, MIKE 21 C, MIKE 3, MIKE SHE, MIKE BASIN, MIKE NET. This training was increasing KWPA engineer capability in using the above mentioned software for better dealing with their consultants and contractors.
2005 – 2007 |
Karun River Basin Management Project |
Karun River Basin Management Project; The Karun River is the largest river system in Iran, with main river length of over 800 km. Located in the south-west of the country, the total catchment’s area is in excess of 60,000 square kilometers, with peak recorded flood discharges of over 3,000 cumecs and mean discharges of around 575 cumecs. Khuzestan Water and Power Authority (KWPA; client) and the Ministry of Energy to plan and manage the water and power resources of the Karun/ Dez river systems, with particular emphasis on maintaining water quality standards and water availability Kourosh Kayhan as Managing Director of PTS was representative of Scott Wilson (UK) Company representative in Iran.
2006 – 2007 |
Integrated of Water Resources Simulation of Karun River Basin Reservoirs |
Integrated of Water Resources Simulation of Karun River Basin Reservoirs as multiple reservoirs (parallel and serial reservoirs studies have been done for maximizing hydro power energy production) with using MIKE BASIN software.
2005 – 2006 |
2D Flood Plain Modelling of Karun River |
2D Flood Plain Modelling of Karun River with using MIKE FLOOD model from “Ahwaz” to “Darkhovin” (154 Km) with different scenario. It (2D Flood …) done for first time by PTS in Iran and are not too many references in the world. This project is an off line model which can apply for early flood warning and forecast.
2005 – 2006 |
1D Simulation of Karun River Hydrodynamic |
1D Simulation of Karun River Hydrodynamic with using MIKE 11 model from “Molla Sani” to “Farsiat” (120 Km) with different Boundary Conditions. Client is Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) and Karun River is the largest river in Iran.
2005 – 2005 |
Flood Plain Study in Kashkan River |
2D Flood Plain Modelling of Kashkan River with using MIKE FLOOD model from “Babazid” to “Chame Gholamali” (16 Km) with different scenario. It (2D Flood …) done for first time by PTS in Iran.
2001 – 2003 |
Design, Repair and extend of Lark Island Breakwater |
Lark Island had only one arm of breakwater for light boat and fishery boat birth. During the past time, it destroyed and had needed for repairing. In this project first carried our hydrodynamic study and with regards to output of hydrodynamic, the exist rubble mound breakwater repaired with extension of the main and also lee breakwater consider for this harbour. |
2001 – 2003 |
Design of Hengam Island Breakwater |
In this project first carried out hydrodynamic study and with regards to output of hydrodynamic, a rubble mound breakwater designed for Hengam Island.
2001 – 2003 |
Study on Sedimentation of Hurmoz Island Access Channel
In continuation of Hengam and Lark Project in Persian Gulf, we studied sedimentation in Hurmoz Island Access Channel. |
2001 -2001 |
Sea Water Intake and Water Recirculation Modelling for Thermal mix power plant
Modelling of Sea Water Intake and Water Recirculation for Thermal mix power plant by MIKE 21 in Pareh Sar Guilan Province – Iran. |
2000 – 2000 |
Emamieh Port |
Study on hydrodynamics of Zohreh river in southern part of Iran, close to Persian Gulf. This river has influence from Persian Gulf tides. In this study have been used MIKE 11 and MIKE 21.
2005 – 2006 |
DHI Software & Equipment Technical Support, DHI Consultancy Services |
In continuation working and collaboration with Negareh (DHI Representative) in Iran and due to huge activities in this field and joining other engineers and also establishing PTS Company, I became advisor of Negareh Managing Director in DHI business activities. In this regard, I trained two engineers for follow up DHI business in Iran territory and remain as advisor for protecting DHI markets.
1998 – 2005 |
DHI Software & Equipment Technical Support, DHI Consultancy Services |
In continuation working with Negareh Company on providing technical support on using DHI software and Marine Lab Equipment, extended my activity to marketing manager of sales of software and equipment and consequently with increasing sales requested came to us, we presented DHI consultancy service to them.
1996 – 1998 |
DHI Software & Equipment Technical Support |
Due to experiences in using MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 and also working with DHI Marine Laboratory Equipment (Wave Maker, … ), be as advisor of Negareh Company (DHI Representative in Iran) in providing technical support to whom sold the software and equipments. |
1997 – 1998 |
M.Sc. Thesis (SCWRMC) |
Researcher, Study on “Assessment of Sequence Storm on the Stability of Reshaping Breakwaters”. This thesis was part of Ph.D thesis in Aalborg University in Denmark and a research project which have been founded by European Mast Commission. Part of this research done by Dr. Amir Alikhani and DHI expertises in DHI and some part in Aalborg University and part of this research with above mentioned title in SCWMRC, in Tehran – Iran. This research has been done by DHI equipment including wave maker, wave height meter,… and DHI Wave Synthesizer software.
1995 – 1996 |
Developing of DWOPER (Dynamic Wave Operation of Model), (Mahab e Ghodss C.E Co.)
Preparing Pre and Post processor for “DWOPER” model in Hydro informatics section which has been provided by Professor Fred. |
1995 – 1996 |
Environmental Impact Assessment of Pasha Cola Reservoir (Mahab e Ghodss C.E Co.) |
Hydraulic study and Dam Break Analysis with using “DAM BREAK MODEL”, Simulation of Pesticides on soil and water in down and upstream of the reservoir with “CMLS” software. |
Research Interests:
– Coastal Hydraulic, Morphological, Management (SMP, ICZM)
– Flood Modelling & Management, River Engineering (FW, FF)
– Environmental Engineering (Coastal zone and Inland)
Saghafi M., Kayhan K., Mahdavi M., “BOD Dispersion Modelling in Minab Reservoir”, Journal of Marine Science & Technology Research, Vol.8, No. 1, Spring 2013, Tehran – Iran.
Sadeghian S.D., Niroobakhsh M., Kayhan K., “ Integrated Management of Hydropower production in Karun River System”, Proceeding of 2nd National Conference on Dam and Hydropower (NCDH 2008), Tehran, I.R.Iran., April 2008 (In Farsi).
Abbaspour M., Javid A.H., Moghimi P., Kayhan K., “ Modelling of thermal pollution in coastal area and its economical and environmental assessment”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol.2, Number 1, Spring 2005, Tehran – Iran.
Hosseiny S., Etemad Shahidi A., Olesen K.W., Kayhan K., “ Validation of the MIKE 11 Hydrodynamics and Advection / Dispersion modules”, Proceeding of First Central European DHI Software Conference, Prague – Czech Republic, April 2003.
Kayhan K., Borghei S.M., Alikhani A., (2001): “Evaluation of Sequence Storm on Hydraulic Model of Reshaping Breakwaters”. Proceeding of 4th DHI Software Conference, Scanticon Conference Center Helsingor, Denmark, and 6-8 June 2001.
Kayhan K., Borghei S.M., Alikhani A., (2000): “Physical Model for Reshaping Breakwaters Stability”. Preceding of ICOPMAS 2000, Shahid Rajaee Port Complex, Bandar Abbass, I.R.Iran 20-23 Nov.2000 (In Farsi).
Kayhan K., (Sep 1998): “Assessment of Sequence Storm on the Stability of Reshaping Breakwaters”, M.Sc. Thesis, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran.
Researcher, Study on “Assessment of Sequence Storm on the Stability of Reshaping Breakwaters”. This thesis was part of Ph.D thesis in Aalborg University in Denmark and a research project which have been founded by European Mast Commission. Part of this research done by Dr. Amir Alikhani and DHI expertises in DHI and some part in Aalborg University and part of this research with above mentioned title in SCWMRC, in Tehran – Iran. This research has been done by DHI equipment including wave maker, wave height meter, … and DHI Wave Synthesizer software
Kayhan K., ( Sep 1995): “ Simulation of Hydropower Reservoir”, B.Sc. project, Khajeh Nasir Al – Din Toosi University of Technology , Tehran – Iran.
Computer program for B.Sc project:
- Computer program for simulation of hydropower reservoir ( Single Reservoir and Multipurpose)
Research Cooperation:
Advisor of M.Sc Student Thesis as following:
Barakatin S, Javid A.H. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2012): “Assessment of oil spill impacts in southern part of Caspian Sea with using MIKE 3 SA (Oil Spill Analysis)”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Ebrahimnejad R, Javid A.H. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2012): “Assessment of oil spill impacts in northern part of Persian Gulf with using MIKE 21 SA (Oil Spill Analysis)”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Saghafi M, Nejatkhah P. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2012): “Assessment of contaminants dispersion in reservoirs due to fortuitous event pollution risk with using MIKE 3 software (Case of study, Minaab Dam Reservoir)”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Mohammadi N, Lari K. (supervisor), Chegini V. (advisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2010): “Pattern of Long shore Currents in Bushehr Coast by MIKE21 Model”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Mortezaei S, Javid A.H. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2010): “Investigation on Sedimentation phenomena and water quality in Minab Dam reservoir with using modeling (MIKE 3D)”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Hoseini H, Javid A.H. (supervisor), Sadeghian M.S. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2010): “Thermal & Salinity Stratification on the reservoir (Case study, Aji Chai Reservoir in East Azarbayjan province)”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Gholami Z, Chegini V. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2009): “Estimation of Rip Currents in West of Guilan Coasts (Aastaraa)”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Maghen M.R., Chegini V. (supervisor), Motamed A. (advisor), Kayhan K. (advisor)- (2008): “Estimation of Rip Currents in Central Guilan Coasts”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Raikan R., Sadeghian M.S. (supervisor), Kayhna K. (advisor), – (2007): “Simulation of sedimentation in the reservoir of dam by MIKE 3 software”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Gharahkhani A, M., Sadeghian M.S. (supervisor), Kayhna K. (advisor), – (2006): “Relations between rainfall and runoff by rainfall, runoff modelling”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Niroobakhsh M., Sadeghian M.S. (supervisor), Kayhna K. (advisor), – (2006): “Integrated Planning and Management of Hydropower Energy Generation”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Fayyazi M., Sedghei H. (supervisor), Kaveh F. (advisor), Kayhan K. (advisor), – (2006): “ Comparing of Flood Plain Modelling difference with using 1D & 2D numerical models; case studies Kashkan River with using MIKE 11 and MIKE Flood”, M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Zargar M., Neyshaboury S.A.A. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor), – (2005): “Comparative of Appling MIKE 11 and SMS Models in Numerical Simulation Advection – Dispersion Concentration in Rivers”, M.Sc. Thesis, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran-Iran.
Seifan Aahaari h., Azarmsa A. (supervisor), Mansouri D. (advisor), Kayhan K. (advisor), (2005): “ Assessment of waves condition due to wind blowing in Bushehr Coastal zone in Persian Gulf with using MIKE 21”, M.Sc. Thesis, Tarbiat Modarres University, Noor, Mazandaran – Iran.
Fazel B., Abbaspour M. (supervisor), Kayhan K. (advisor), – (2004): “A Three Dimensional Circulation Model for Caspian Sea Region”, M.Sc. Thesis, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran.
Moghimi P., Abbaspour M. (supervisor), Javid A.H. (advisor), Kayhan K. (advisor), – (2003) : “Modelling of Thermal Pollution Transport Due to Hot Water Discharge from Industrial Operation to Water Ambient” , M.Sc. Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran.
Languages |
Farsi |
English |
French |
German |
Speaking |
5 |
4 |
2 |
– |
Reading |
5 |
4 |
2 |
– |
Writing |
5 |
4 |
2 |
– |
(Mother tongue/excellent: 5; Average: 3-4; Poor: 1-2) |
- More than 18 years experiences on using and training DHI Software, especially on MIKE 11, MIKE 21, MIKE 3, MIKE FLOOD, MIKE SHE and MIKE BASIN.
- 13 years experiences on “Arc/View” and eight years on Arc/GIS, both software from ESRI Company.
- Certificate of successfully completion the two days course on “Practical Use of FIDIC Contracts”, held at Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers (ISCE) during September 6th and 7th
- Certificate of successfully completion the two days course on “Management of Claims of FIDIC Contracts”, held at Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers (ISCE) during September 9th and 10th
Training DHI Software to Iranian clients and stakeholders:
Course Title |
Date |
Days |
Place |
Authority / Client |
Users |
Lecturer |
1 |
MIKE SHE Training |
July 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
2 |
MIKE 3 Training |
June 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
3 |
MIKE NET Training |
June 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
4 |
MIKE Basin |
May 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
5 |
MIKE 11 Reservoir Training |
March 2006 |
5 |
Tabriz – Iran |
East Azarbaijan Province Water Authority (EAWA) |
EAWA Engineers |
Dr.Kim Wium Olesen & Kourosh Kayhan
6 |
MIKE 21C |
March 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
7 |
MIKE 21 |
February 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
8 |
February 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
9 |
MIKE 11 |
January 2006 |
5 |
Ahwaz – Iran |
Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA) |
KWPA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
10 |
MIKE 21 Training |
November 2005 |
5 |
Tehran – Iran |
Islamic Azad University (I.A.U) |
M.Sc degree scholars of Environmental Department
Kourosh Kayhan |
11 |
MIKE 11 Training |
February 2005 |
5 |
Tabriz – Iran |
East Azarbaijan Province Water Authority (EAWA) |
EAWA Engineers |
Kourosh Kayhan
12 |
MIKE 21 Training |
January 2004 |
5 |
Tehran – Iran |
Islamic Azad University (I.A.U) |
M.Sc degree scholars of Environmental Department |
Kourosh Kayhan
- Kim Wium Olesen, Head of Water Resources Department of “DHI Water & Environment”, Horsholm – Denmark.
Email: kwo@dhigroup.com
- Professor A.Afshar, Civil Engineering Department, University of Science and Technology-Iran, Tehran – Iran.
Email: A_Afshar@iust.ac.ir
- Associate Professor F.Y.Yazdandoost, Civil Engineering Department, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran – Iran.
Email: yazdandoost@kntu.ac.ir
November 03, 2014
سابقه تدریس